Learn how to lose weight, fix your gut and cure autoimmune symptoms with our free Carnivore Diet guide.
Learn how to lose weight, fix your gut and cure autoimmune symptoms with our free Carnivore Diet guide.
The carnivore diet rules are straightforward at first glance. The carnivore diet consists of animal foods and zero carbs. But that is a very simplistic way of looking at this eating plan. To get the most out of the carnivore diet, there are a few other rules to keep in mind. Here are nine carnivore diet rules that will help you on your animal-based diet journey. Rule 1: Eat Only Animal FoodsThe first of the carnivore diet rules is to eat only animal-based foods and avoid all carbohydrates. This includes various meats (like beef, pork, and poultry), fatty fish, shellfish, and eggs. On the carnivore diet, you should avoid all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. You should also steer clear of any processed foods and beverages containing sugars, artificial sweeteners, or additives. The focus is strictly on consuming animal-based foods for nutritional needs. Rule 2: Avoid Processed MeatsThis may seem obvious, but it can cause some confusion for first-time carnivore dieters, who may be tempted to eat canned meats and meat-based ‘convenience foods’. One of the most important carnivore diet rules is to focus on animal foods as close to their natural state as possible. Therefore, processed foods, even meat or dairy-based, are best avoided. Rather eat meat from a butcher than from a can. You’ll get all the nutrients without the high sodium levels and other additives. Rule 3: Choose Quality Over QuantityThis is one of the carnivore diet rules that has more to do with the quality than the type of foods allowed. The carnivore diet, simply by eliminating carbs and processed foods, is already a healthier way of eating. But with such a restricted diet, the quality of food eaten becomes very important. Choose organic, grass-fed, and free-range products whenever possible. Studies show that organic foods are often safer to eat, more nutritious than other products, and tastier, too. Rule 4: Balance Fats And ProteinsYour body needs protein, but this is not where you get the bulk of your energy. On an all-meat diet, energy is supplied by fat content. Similar to the ketogenic (keto) diet, you’ll enter a state of ketosis where your energy needs are supplied by fats. If you don't consume enough fat, your body fat will serve as fuel. The body needs healthy fats for optimal health, and consuming animal fats is not necessarily unhealthy. However, too many saturated fats may worsen some health conditions, while too much protein can interfere with fat metabolism. Balance your animal fats and proteins, and take advantage of the wide variety of allowed foods on the carnivore diet food list. Rule 5: Hydrate WellHydration is key to any diet, but it is even more crucial in the carnivore diet. Protein-rich diets like the carnivore require more water to support digestion, metabolism, and excretion. Without adequate water intake, high protein consumption can place strain on the kidneys. Countering Water LossThere is another reason why those new to the diet may need to adjust their water intake. A change to a restrictive diet like carnivore often causes rapid weight loss initially. However, most of this is water loss and not fat loss - quite normal after suddenly cutting carbs. Be sure to drink enough water to restore balance. Rule 6: Incorporate Organ MeatsThe carnivore diet is an elimination diet and can be difficult to stick to if you eat generic meat only. Introduce more variety into your carnivore eating plan, and you will find the diet much easier to stick to. You’ll also benefit from a more comprehensive nutritional profile. One of the easiest ways to do this is to incorporate organ meats. Examples include animal liver, kidneys, and heart, which are rich in B vitamins. Rule 7: Listen To Your BodyThis is one of the carnivore diet rules that is too often overlooked, yet it is essential for a healthy carnivore eating experience. While we all have similar nutritional needs from birth, medical conditions, age, and other factors can influence what our bodies require to achieve optimal health. If the strict carnivore diet rules have harmful effects on your health, rather listen to your body and respect its unique needs. Should you find the carnivore diet extremely restrictive, opt for a more relaxed form of the diet, like ketovore. If you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness or nutritional deficiency, ask your doctor for advice on how to safely go carnivore. Rule 8: Be Mindful Of MicronutrientsTo make sure you get enough micronutrients on the carnivore diet, try to eat a variety of animal-based foods. Include different meats like beef, pork, poultry, and fish to get a mix of vitamins and minerals. Organ meats are great too, since they're packed with essential nutrients like vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Although not in abundance, fresh muscle meat does contain essential vitamin C. Consider adding electrolyte supplements or bone broth to keep your mineral levels balanced, since plant foods that are high in micronutrients aren't part of this diet. And it's always a good idea to check in with a healthcare provider to make sure you're staying healthy. Rule 9: Stay Consistent And Be Patient To Unlock All Health BenefitsMost people see results very quickly with an elimination diet like the carnivore diet. By cutting out carbs and processed foods, you’ll find it easier to lose weight faster. You may also find relief from allergies, autoimmune disorders, or illnesses. But it takes a bit longer to realize some of these benefits than others. Your body has to adjust from your previous eating habits to your new way of eating. The more dramatic the difference, the faster you may see results. However, your state of health may be influenced by other factors too, not just your diet. So stay consistent, be patient, and above all be realistic about results. Final ThoughtsThe rules of the carnivore diet are simple. Choose organic over processed foods, encourage balance, stay hydrated, and incorporate other nutrient-dense animal foods — not only meat. But above all, be consistent and patient. Do this, and renewed health and vitality are sure to follow.
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